Politics affects pretty much every corner of our lives as students in Edinburgh, it’s the reason we are free to meet up as Christians and publicly know and love Jesus. Whilst we know it is an incredible privilege to be able to share our faith openly and discuss with our course mates about what we know about our creator and our purpose, we are also aware that being students in politics is incredibly isolating.
In John 15, Jesus says “you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.”
This is a huge comfort to us as politics students because we can hold firm to the knowledge that even though we may never feel that our belief and trust in Jesus will ever be accepted in this world, we have a deep eternal belonging in Christ, which we have been chosen into and we will live in His perfect just world, forever.
The Edinburgh Politics Network Hub is a group of students who all love Jesus and politics, and are looking at how we can honour Him through what we think and say about politics. We meet fortnightly for breakfast to engage ourselves with His word, to be better equipped as students and also pray, for not only our country and its leaders, but one another as we 'Go' for Him.
Get in touch at politics@uccf.org.uk to find out how to get involved.