Christians are called to be valuable members in politics and society because we follow a God who passionately cares about His people and creation, and thus how it is governed.
Durham CU's Politics Network Hub provides a space for politically engaged Christians to come together as we seek to be active, pray, and learn about politics. If this is you please do come along.
We aim to fulfil the command to pray for our leaders, the world and one another, gathered in unity under Christ Jesus (1 Timothy 2:1-7). We also exist to be equipped to 'GO' and make Jesus known in politics by being salt and light (Matthew 5:13-16). We want to engage and grow future leaders in any area of our society—all for the glory of our God (1 Corinthians 10:31).
The Bible is political - it shows us how God desires people to live in His world and it gives us a deeper vision of justice and compassion. Come and join us as we look into these truths.
For more details get in touch with the Politics Network.